GDPR As A Freelancer - Are you Compliant?
5.0 average rating (1 review)How does GDPR affect an individual freelancer? What does compliance mean? What about Brexit - how does that impact on the law? Poppi and Wendy talk you through the ins and outs of GDPR since its inception.
Reversing the Race to the Bottom: Exploring the Commoditisation of BSL Interpreting and Effective Responses
Several recent market changes have impacted the BSL interpreting profession and associated professions,threatening to or succeeding in diminishing wages and working terms and conditions. What can be done about this seeming race to the bottom?
Working with Agencies to Achieve and Maintain Professional Standards
Are you feeling the pressure from agencies to reduce your fees or working conditions? Does it have to be a ‘them and us’ scenario? How can we work together? Join Brett and Linguistpd for constructive ways to work with agencies.
Business Clinic
How hot are your business skills? Are you challenged by a competitive climate? How do you handle negotiations with agencies or clients? Sue shares her years of experience as a lawyer linguist as well as some insights into spoken language interpreting
The World Wide Web — Interpreting with Web Designers & Developers
Interpreted for clients who are are back-end or front-end developers, web designers or digital content editors and would like to understand a bit more of the terminology they use? Want to pick up some tips for your own website? Join us!