Course Description

Interpreting in police settings provides multiple challenges for both officers and interpreters alike. It goes without saying that interpreting in this domain requires in depth, specialist training. If you’re considering whether you’re suitable for this domain, this webinar will assist you to begin to identify areas to explore in further depth in your professional development plan. For example:

  • What types of bookings/interviews might you be needed for?
  • What would you do if you felt you needed to challenge a police officer on their practice?
  • How national (UK) and strategic aims of the PLOD initiative and police interpreting may affect you.

 Experienced police interpreters will also benefit from a discussion of the technological, national and global developments taking place in this domain.

Completion of this course will give you a minimum of 2 hours' structured CPD points. You will also be provided with a number of resources for you to gain further unstructured CPD points.

This course is available for 90 days from the date you purchased it.

Detective Inspector D.I. Emma Gilbert

Emma Gilbert is a Detective Sergeant, currently serving with Leicestershire Police, with extensive experience of response, community and criminal investigation policing. She has specialised in child protection, youth offending interventions and the safeguarding of children and young people.In addition to these duties, Emma manages the UK’s innovative Police Link Officers for Deaf people (PLOD) scheme and manages a team of police officers and police staff trained at various levels of BSL and Deaf Awareness and which aims to make police services accessible to all D/deaf people.Emma is also an integral member of the DeafKidz International (DKI) charity which responds to the needs of deaf children and young people in low resource settings around the world.  A vigorous champion for the rights of D/deaf people, Emma is working to introduce the concept of PLOD to all UK Police forces and, in partnership with DeafKidz International, policing agencies in South Africa, Kenya and Jamaica.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the webinar!

    2. Evidencing your CPD

    1. Learner Workbook

    2. Webinar Slides

    3. Learner Terms and Conditions

    1. Watch out for the following....

    2. Webinar Recording: Interpreting in Police Settings - The Police Perspective

    3. Did you notice?

    1. Resources

    2. Evidencing your CPD

About this course

  • £40.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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