Course Description
Vicarious trauma is also referred to as compassion fatigue or secondary traumatization (Figley, 1995). When working with clients suffering trauma, we can feel an emotional residue, stress and/or weariness and lose our zest for life. Why does it happen? As empathetic professionals,how do we protect ourselves from vicarious trauma, or minimise its effects?
We’re delighted to have Wendy back to expand on her previous webinars. Dr Wendy H McIntosh PhD has over 30 years’ experience as a psychiatric nurse and has worked in a range of roles as a clinician, researcher and educator. She is a passionate advocate for professional wellbeing and works with both individuals and groups.
Completion of this course will give you a minimum of 2 hours' structured CPD points. You will also be provided with a number of resources for you to gain further unstructured CPD points.
This course is available for 90 days from the date you purchased it.

Dr Wendy McIntosh PhD
Course curriculum
Learner Workbook
Webinar Slides
Video Links
Learner Terms & Conditions
Vicarious Trauma - Avoid Reliving Your Client's Experience

About this course
- £40.00
- 8 lessons
- 2 hours of video content
Pricing options
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