Course Description

Feeling like a fraud at work rather than fabulous? Where do these feelings come from? How can we move past them and bring out the best of our professional selves? 

This webinar will provide a safe and supportive space to explore some of the causes of imposter syndrome and look at ways of combatting those feelings of not being good enough.

This webinar is for regulated trainee or registered qualified sign language interpreters (or those eligible to be).

Dr Jules Dickinson PhD

Having worked as community interpreter for over 15 years, Jules has a wide range of interpreting experience across a variety of settings. Her interest in the workplace interpreter’s role led to a PhD at Heriot-Watt University, U.K. Her ground-breaking ethnographic research examined the ways in which the interpreter impacts upon the interaction between Deaf and hearing employees, with a focus on the use of humour and small talk in team meetings.Jules continues to support the development of the interpreting profession as a teacher, trainer, research-practitioner and a Professional Supervisor. Jules has published extensively on issues relevant to workplace interpreting. Jules has presented aspects of her research at Gallaudet University and her PhD has recently been republished by Gallaudet University Press

Course curriculum

    1. Learner Terms & Conditions

    2. Workbook - for completion before the webinar

    3. Imposter Syndrome - Embracing the 'Real' You Slides

    1. Webinar Video 2 of 3

    2. Exercise 2 - Accentuate the positives

    1. Webinar Video 3 of 3

    1. Resources

    2. Related training


About this course

  • £40.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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